Embracing the path towards net-zero emissions is critical for the State of Palestine to ensure sustainability, economic progress, and social well-being. Under the theme of “Industry Net Zero & Innovation for Green Economy”, the State of Palestine intends to actively participate in COP28 by focusing on the four following specific topics:

1) Green Economy
2) Net Zero & Industry Decarbonization
3) Cleantech Innovation, Green Hubs, Green Startups
4) Green Finance


Green Economy

The transition to a green economy in the State of Palestine is a priority on the national policy agenda due to its importance in benefiting from resources and their efficiency as an opportunity to reduce the impact of the restrictions imposed by the Israeli occupation, as green economy promotes sustainable practices across all industries, fosters resource efficiency and minimizes environmental impacts, while driving economic growth and social well-being. Embracing a green economy could bring tremendous benefits to the State of Palestine, including job creation, reduced reliance on fossil fuels and improved environmental quality. By incorporating sustainability principles into its economic practices, the State of Palestine can strengthen its resilience, encourage the use of renewable energy, and facilitate the growth of environmentally-friendly industries.

There are significant success stories which demonstrate the potential and advantages of a green economy within the State of Palestine. The installation of solar panels in households, schools, and industrial facilities has not only allowed for the provision of clean and reasonably priced energy but has also created new opportunities for employment, and contributed to the reduction of dependence on imported fossil fuels. Additionally, sustainable agriculture-focused local projects like smart farming are contributing to both food security and job creation.


Net Zero & Industry Decarbonization

Net zero refers to the equilibrium between greenhouse gas emissions generated and those eliminated from the atmosphere. The State of Palestine acknowledges the significance of reducing carbon output in industries and adopting sustainable energy practices to deliver net zero objectives. This can be accomplished by shifting towards cleaner and greener energy sources, investing in energy-efficient technologies, and implementing emission reduction measures across different industrial sectors.

Palestine has implemented a Renewable Energy Strategy to enhance the proportion of sustainable energy sources within its energy mix. Moreover, the State of Palestine has devised a National Energy Efficiency Action Plan to aid in the decarbonization drive to achieve NDCs. To progress towards net-zero, greater assistance is required from international development organizations and developed countries. 

So far, Palestine has made modest strides in advancing renewable energy. The installation of solar energy systems on rooftops in the West Bank, for example, has boosted the proportion of renewable energy in the regional electricity supply, meeting roughly 3% of the energy requirements. In addition, efforts targeting energy efficiency in industries and the integration of clean technologies have delivered measurable cuts in carbon emissions. These success stories demonstrate the potential of transitioning towards sustainable energy sources. They also facilitate further endeavors to decarbonize industries and achieve net- zero emissions in diverse sectors.


Cleantech Innovation, Green Hubs, Green Startups

CleanTech innovation involves the development and deployment of technologies that positively impact the environment. To facilitate the growth of green startups and the advancement of research and development in CleanTech industries, the State of Palestine endeavors to establish a conducive environment, establish green hubs, and stimulate investments. Through these efforts, the State of Palestine can foster novel concepts, secure funding, and leverage technology to promote sustainable development. 

Encouraging success stories exist within CleanTech innovation, with UNIDO at the forefront of these efforts. In a range of domains, UNIDO's MOUSTADAMA Programme has offered significant support for CleanTech innovation, encompassing waste management, renewable energy, energy efficiency and water management. The innovative prototypes developed by the Programme's startups will provide bespoke solutions for Palestine and the region, making a substantial contribution towards Palestine's sustainable development


Green Finance

Green finance refers to the allocation of financial resources to support environmental friendly projects and initiatives. The State of Palestine acknowledges the significance of accessing green funding to sponsor its shift towards a green economy. It intends to investigate options for international collaboration, financial partnerships, and obtaining climate finance mechanisms. Securing green finance could accelerate the implementation of sustainable projects, enhance climate resilience, and support the growth of Palestine's green economy.