Waste as a Sustainable Resource

The State of Palestine recognizes the high potential of transforming waste management practices to promote sustainability and implement win-win solutions to address resource availability challenges.

Waste to Energy

Waste-to-energy conversion presents an opportunity to address waste management challenges while generating clean and renewable energy. Through the utilization of waste as a resource for energy production, Palestine can decrease greenhouse gas emissions, decrease dependence on fossil fuels, and contribute toward the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The use of biogas in Palestine is in its nascent stages, but holds potential to aid the SoP in decreasing its reliance on imported energy and enhancing its environmental sustainability. Small biogas plants have been established in Palestine to generate biogas from agricultural residue, representing a noteworthy milestone towards utilizing waste as an energy source. 

Water Treatment, Wastewater and Reuse

Effective water treatment and reuse are of utmost importance to Palestine, considering the challenges of controlling the water resources by the occupation, water scarcity and the need to ensure sustainable water resources. By implementing appropriate water treatment and encouraging reuse practices, the State of Palestine can enhance water availability, reduce strain on freshwater sources, and promote long-term water security.

The State of Palestine has witnessed successful wastewater treatment and reuse initiatives. A
wastewater treatment is installed and operated in the Gaza Strip, providing treated
wastewater for agricultural irrigation. The Palestine Water Authority also operates several
relatively small wastewater treatment plants.