PALESTINE for Climate Challenges – Commitments and Achievements

The State of Palestine is a Party to the UNCCC and the Paris Agreement and is also a Least Developed Country (LDC). In this context, the State of Palestine demonstrates its strong commitment to addressing climate change and highlights the achievements it has made. The State of Palestine recognizes that collective efforts across sectors are critical to achieving its climate commitments and ensuring a sustainable and resilient future.

SDGs Status and Acceleration for Decade of Action

The State of Palestine faces several challenges in achieving the SDGs. However, there are also numerous opportunities: with the right investments and policies and thanks to the support of partners and global specialized agencies, the State of Palestine can make significant progress in the Decade of Action. 

Partnerships on Climate Actions (PPP: Private Sector, Civil Society and Academia): 

Partnerships with the private sector, civil society, and academia are important to the State of Palestine in addressing climate change. By engaging in partnerships, the State of Palestine can leverage diverse expertise, innovative solutions, and financial resources to strengthen its climate action and accelerate progress toward its climate commitments.