Climate Rights Under Occupation

The State of Palestine is honored to participate in the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, despite the Israeli aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip and in all governorates of the country. Our participation today aims to present the challenges and the multiple effects that the State of Palestine faces under the occupation, which limits our ability to implement global solutions to confront climate change, in addition to presenting the most important initiatives and solutions developed by the State of Palestine to confront the challenges related to climate change under occupation.

We welcome visitors to our pavilion, and we invite you to learn about our vision, review our initiatives, and review our strategies to overcome challenges and the State of Palestine’s commitment to effectively pursue the path towards decarbonization and contribute to preserving a safe, livable planet. Everyone is affected, especially those most affected by the effects of climate change.


Locate the Pavilion


Heading to Cop28 at Expo City Dubai

Come and visit the Pavilion of the State of Palestine in the Blue Zone.

  • "The State of Palestine is committed to climate action and contributes, like the rest of the world, to alleviating its burdens. Despite all the obstacles, limited funding, and the continued Israeli occupation of our lands, we demand the achievement of climate justice in Palestine".
    • Image
      H.E. Ms. Nisreen Tamimi Environmental Quality Autority State of Palestine
    H.E. Dr. Nisreen TAMIMI, Chairperson, Environment Quality Authority

Our Program

Thu-30 Nov-2023: Opening Day

Presentation on Environment and Climate Change Efforts in State of Palestine
12:00 : 13:00
Environment Quality Authority (EQA)
Presentation on Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Mitigation Part
14:00 : 15:00
Environment Quality Authority (EQA)
Panel Discussion
Presentation on Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Adaptation Part
15:00 : 16:00
Environment Quality Authority (EQA)